
Ken’s famous “Invisible Jobs” Strategy

Hello, my favorite federal-job-seeking Earthlings! How is your job search coming along? As promised, I am going to share a topic today that is chock-full of unique ideas and strategies. You see, most people who are seeking federal jobs jump into line along with everyone else and follow the USAJOBs crowd, thinking that is the […]

Acing the Federal Interview: How to Answer Federal Interview Questions

Interviewing for Federal jobs is probably the #2 most common concern of federal job applicants. Most Federal agencies, for the most part, use PBIs – Performance Based Interviews. PBI questions focus on the past behavior that you’ve demonstrated in real-life situations. The logic is this: Your past behavior is the best indicator of your future […]

The High-Probability Resume: How to Write a Resume That Stands Out

Let me start off by stating this: There is No Such Thing as “The Federal Resume”. That is, there is NO Government-wide, government-mandated, government-copyrighted Federal resume format. I promise. Federal resume writing is probably the number one most common concern of federal job applicants. Thousands and thousands of resumes have crossed my desk and they […]

Keywords and KSAs Do Matter

I know I’ve talked about keywords before, but I think it’s important we cover some more aspects, specifically how to extract them and what to do with them afterwards. I recently read a comment on Facebook that basically said “Keywords don’t matter”. The person who wrote that was referring to taking keywords from the USAjobs […]

The Keys to Keywords in Your Federal Resume

As Veterans, we often feel compelled to continue our noble pursuit of serving the public by seeking Federal government jobs after discharge or retirement. The reasons are many: comradery, relatively high pay, job security, great benefits and even a sense of renewed purpose. Simply, federal jobs are a natural continuation of military service! In the […]

What you need to know about VRA (Veterans’ Recruitment Appointment)

VRA – or Veterans’ Recruitment Appointment – is a LAW that allows the government to hire eligible Veterans into jobs without competition (with no USAjobs announcement) Recently, in the Facebook group, someone posted a question: “Just had a conversation with someone who says they avoid VRA because of the perception of improper hiring practices. #struggleisreal. […]

Take Action: the 7 Steps to Becoming a Perfect Applicant

This blog post is about action. Not any of that BS motivational “you gotta take action to see results” kind of action. I want to tell you how valuable it is to learn how to read a USAjobs announcement. If there is anything of unique value I have to impart to the world, it is […]